Living room furniture: the importance of furnishing accessories and how to choose the perfect ones

Do you want to renew the furniture in your living room, but don't know where to start? Here are some ideas to inspire you and the essential accessories to focus on. Furnishing the living room of your home is certainly one of the most fun, and at the same time complex, tasks when it comes to interior design. This is because the living room - [...]

Welcome Autumn: ideas and tips for beautifully decorated living rooms

Autumn is the perfect time to give your living room a whole new charm: here's how to do it with a few simple touches that are sure to make an impact. Autumn is certainly one of the most magical and evocative seasons of the year: nature that changes its appearance and is covered in warm, embracing colours, the air that is [...]

School news for your children: buy a Seven schoolpack at Jocando and get Tondino for free

The holidays are now over, it's back to business as usual, homework time, teachers and trips are approaching... to sweeten the return trip, we have some great school-related news for you and your children! In fact, with the purchase of a Seven schoolpack (backpack and pencil case of the same model) on Jocando, our official partner, [...]

Don't underestimate the importance of furnishing your living room

For a family when it comes to the home, the focus is very often on the kitchen (perhaps because it is historically the first place for gathering and sharing) and the safety of the children. It is the living room, however, that often represents the nature of the whole house and its inhabitants. In short, the heart of the home is [...]

Operation Safe School in Assisi: another project by Tondino

School means children, homework, notebooks and games. Parents, teachers and headmasters also have another thought: a safe and controlled place. It is precisely from this need that Tondino's latest adventure comes to life, which has "travelled" from northern Italy to the sunny, gentle hills of Umbria. A journey that stems from the will of the director of the [...]